
2008/8/9 I was able to catch it a lot!!

Even if I let a rubber jig jump

Even if I let spinner Bate swim

Even if I leave a long worm

I keep can catch Basses!!

To around 20 centimeters - 49 centimeters

A little over 20 has caught it!

A down shot of 1/16 oz. of the 4 inches cut tail (an offset).

I take a leader slightly longer and surpass that a sinker was caught on dope one by one.
Considerably delicate fishing...

Higher body has the bass of Lake Biwa, and there is the power, too!

I can taste the impression of the anything header every time when I go to Lake Biwa.

I am very happy! !


  1. Great Job! Rei,

    I'm going to have a short vacation on Lake Biwa in august 2009. is there any bass fishing guide service or so around Biwa lake? Also what is the biggest or the best fishing tackle store in Tokyo? Thanks!

    Good Fishing

    Hugo ( from Vancouver BC Canada )

  2. Thank you for comment!
    There are a lot of guide service.
    Where are you going to stay in in Tokyo?

  3. Sounds great. could you recommend me some bass fishing guide services with a bit english around Biwa lake?

    yes. I will stay in tokyo couple days, and then kyoto.


  4. hi,Hugo.
    I examine whether there is the guide who can speak English.
    When do you come?
    How much is a budget?

  5. Probably august 10 - 20. for the budget, I have no clue of it. Would you kindly give me some rough idea? Also I do need buy some amazing Japanese lures as well? what's the best store in Tokyo?

    Hi Rei, please contact me form MSN, email or message if you want, my ID:

    masterunderwater@hotmail.com masterunderwater@yahoo.com

    Hugo Liang
