
2008/8/9 I was able to catch it a lot!!

Even if I let a rubber jig jump

Even if I let spinner Bate swim

Even if I leave a long worm

I keep can catch Basses!!

To around 20 centimeters - 49 centimeters

A little over 20 has caught it!

A down shot of 1/16 oz. of the 4 inches cut tail (an offset).

I take a leader slightly longer and surpass that a sinker was caught on dope one by one.
Considerably delicate fishing...

Higher body has the bass of Lake Biwa, and there is the power, too!

I can taste the impression of the anything header every time when I go to Lake Biwa.

I am very happy! !

Lake Biwa record Bass ; 8480g


If this sticks to my lure...I will do it how? !

37 hours Durability fishing!!

I depart all over the night of Friday
A date of Sunday comes home in the changing limit.

I deducted a restroom and a meal / break and did fishing really for 37 hours.

Though there was time when a byte sometimes broke off on the way; is 40 average latter with 55 in the first on the list.

2008/7/23 bassboat fishing debut! !

I have boated at last in Lake Biwa!!
I was excited really!!!

I thoght there is not the regret now even if I die!!!!

I was very happy :)

I can catch basses, besides!!!
I was able to catch it so that an impossible fish was not possible.
It is the potential explosion of Lake Biwa!!

2008/7/29 set the stand

I put the rods stand in the room☆

2008/6/10 Seven colors dam in Nara prefecture

When I arrived, Dam was muddy because of the rain of the day before and is full of & floats.
But very interesting ...!
If Kameyama Dam is the jungle, as for seven colors, is an unexplored region a feeling?
I went without sleeping and there being it used up my tackles and was not able to catch !
Though I was super annoyed, this is satisfactory because I did my best!
... there was a lot of fish here.
Because water is pure, it is unnecessary because I see it.
As for three of them, I watched basses more than presumed 50 centimeters on this day.
A clear lake of catching it though it is difficult, because can see a bottom, rise tension, and do its best
After a boat went down; super tiring ...

2008/6/11 Lake Biwa

I have completely liked Lake Biwa-ko!

I went the back wand reader of the waterway.
I get a bass of 45 centimeters!!

4 inches cut tail(pink)

The mixture spot of a reed / a waterweed / a stake / the corner.

I throw it in parallel with a stake and I drop it and work part-time at the action of four or five times.

According to the theory・・・(*^^)v


i love Lake Biwa!!


I went to Lake Biwa-ko for the first time.

And I updated a self-record 56cm! suddenly!

The tackle is spinning 6lb line, the 4 inches cut tail no sinker(used offset hook).

At any risk five years! Six years? ...7 years? !

It is the first shot in first Lake Biwa!

Lake Biwa-... is too terrible!

How much potential does it hide? !